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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands

Preschool, Childcare, Daycare


Imaginative Beginnings is a family-oriented educational community engaging and inspiring children to discover their potential within an environment promoting mutual respect, social responsibility, natural curiosity, and a love of learning.


We believe that each child is unique and capable. We believe in nurturing the whole child by creating a community where the heart of the child is as important as challenging the intellect. We believe that the community of the child, parent, and educator is the foundation of the school's success.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety extends into nearly all aspects of our child care facility and its day to day operations. Safety is at the forefront of our teacher’s minds at all times.


From the layout of the rooms and placement of desks to the materials used in craft making, safety is always a consideration. We believe that creating a safe environment will prevent unnecessary mishaps.


All of our teachers are trained and certified in First Aid, CPR, Child Abuse and Communicable Disease through State Certified trainers.


We also believe in serving healthy meals.  Our program is a part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, which ensures that your children receive nutritious meals.

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